Waste & Air Permits in Texas
Streamline Your Environmental Permitting Process
The devil is in the details, and this is especially true with environmental compliance. Environmental regulations that apply to any particular issue are usually onerous and often unclear.
What isn’t obvious is that many rules include subjective as well as objective elements. There may be multiple ways to meet requirements, and some compliance options may be very expensive while others are more affordable.
These factors all combine to make complying with environmental laws very challenging. Dealing with agencies often requires a healthy level of skepticism because they don’t always interpret and apply their regulations correctly.
At the same time, agencies must be respected and dealt with appropriately because noncompliance can result in disruptive enforcement actions and penalties. Attorney Mark McPherson has experience striking the right balance between respect and skepticism when negotiating and clarifying clients’ compliance requirements with agencies.
In every case, our goal is to bring clarity and purpose to environmental compliance efforts. We can help you acquire necessary permits and develop strategic economical solutions to your unique issue.
To learn more about our environmental compliance services or to obtain assistance with air or waste permits, contact McPherson Law Firm PLLC at (214) 722-7096 today.
Comprehensive Environmental Permitting in Texas
As Congress, the Texas Legislature, the EPA, and the TCEQ conclude that more materials or activities pose a threat to human health or the environment, the number of operations that require environmental permits seems to grow by the day.
Industries that may require an air or waste permit include:
- Concrete batch plants
- Oil and gas facilities
- Dry cleaning facilities
- Vehicle body repair or fabrication shop
- Wood products manufacturing such as sawmills
- Mining and mineral extraction
- Petroleum storage tanks
- Concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFO)
This is by no means a comprehensive list of business operations that will require a permit. To know whether you need a permit for any given purpose, you will need a blend of an environmental consultant’s technical expertise with environmental counsel’s legal expertise.
At McPherson Law Firm PLLC, we manage ongoing relationships with environmental consultants across Texas in order to better assist our clients and help them successfully navigate the permit process.
Advocacy for Permit Application Defense and Opposition
Permit applications can unexpectedly become adversary proceedings if a competitor or a Not-In-My-Backyard (NIMBY) neighbor opposes an operation. If someone is attempting to prevent you from obtaining a permit, we can defend your case with dedication to your present needs and long-term goals.
If you need to oppose a permit application, we offer:
- Filing appearances in the permit application proceeding
- Seeking party status
- Objecting to the issuance of the permit or its specific terms
Having experience with both filing and objecting to permit applications allows our team to apply a more complete perspective to each case. Whether you are applying for the permit or opposing it, we have the tools and skills needed to assist.
Expert Guidance for Environmental Compliance
The fate of your property value or business operation depends on your compliance with environmental regulations and permit requirements.
If you are unsure of what steps you need to take to comply with these complex restrictions, our attorney at McPherson Law Firm PLLC is fully prepared to assess your situation, acquire the resources you need, and help you develop the legal and financial strategy you need to succeed.
Get started by scheduling your consultation with environmental law firm. Call (214) 722-7096 today!