Why Choose McPherson Law Firm?
Our professional practice philosophies, billing structures, and general principles guide how McPherson Law Firm PLLC provides legal services for each and every client. The following is a comprehensive list of qualities and foundations that separate us from other firms and strengthen our counsel and representation.
Real-World Legal Solutions Without the Ivory Tower
Theory is important, and, in law, technicalities are everything. But that doesn’t mean we as lawyers have to put ourselves up in an ivory tower, isolated from reality, in order to provide top quality service. We focus on not just the theory of the law but also the practicality of any potential solution, transaction negotiation, and attack or defense strategy.
Our attorney, Mark McPherson, has practiced commercial real estate law from the time he began his career in 1990. Environmental issues need real estate lawyers who understand how real estate is used to make money, as well as the various challenges to that profitability (such as environmental and water supply issues).
No Hidden Fees - Transparent Billing Practices
Some law firms convert their fax machine and copier into separate profit centers by charging clients for faxes and copies. Charges can be as high as $1 to $2 per page for faxes and around $0.25 per copy. McPherson Law Firm PLLC doesn’t do this.
Copies and faxes, phone service charges, postage, and most overnight deliveries are built into our law firm’s overhead. It simplifies our invoices, and, as a result, our clients pay only for the products and services that provide real value.
Budget-Friendly Legal Services for Businesses
Because most of our clients are operating businesses, they often have limited budgets, both monthly and overall. We have extensive experience helping clients set and meet those budgets without compromising the quality of the legal services we provide.
Focused Legal Practice Areas for Better Service
Our attorney chose areas of law he enjoys, and he has limited his practice to these areas only. As a firm, we don’t want to be all things to all people. Should you need a lawyer in another field, we may be able to refer you to other counsel or associate with them on your matters.
Continuous Learning: Your Lawyer is Always Informed
The law is a jealous mistress, so they say. In other words, one must devote one’s life to it more fully than other jobs and professions in order to truly excel. Because the law is living, breathing, and always changing, we believe lawyers should devote time not just to billing clients or generating work, but to staying informed on developments within their chosen practice areas.
Our attorney devotes substantial non-billed time to keeping up with changes in the law. He researches and writes professional papers on the cutting-edge topics of our times, thereby increasing the value of his services.
Strategic Aggressiveness in Legal Representation
Our attorney can act aggressively when needed. But he is not aggressive for its own sake or for the purposes of showing off. Transactions and regulatory responses require patience in some instances and quick action in others. Attorney McPherson chooses his level of aggression deliberately, as opposed to merely responding in an emotionally reactive manner.
Leveraging Innovative Technology for Client Benefits
Technology continues to change and challenge the very foundation of law. It is now possible for a small practice to have all the resources that have historically only been available to large firms.
Computer databases of statutes, case law, and regulations make it possible to provide a higher quality of service in less time and at reduced costs. This lets McPherson Law Firm PLLC stay smaller, faster, and more flexible, all for our clients’ benefit.
Technology also allows us to effectively provide services to clients all throughout Texas. We use social media, as well, because we believe in modern telecommunications technology and the power it has to benefit our clients.
Passion for Law and Client Success
At McPherson Law Firm PLLC, we enjoy what we do, and we enjoy serving our clients and seeing them succeed. We are grateful for the opportunities our clients provide us.
Contact McPherson Law Firm PLLC at (214) 722-7096 to learn more about what our Texas attorney can do for your future.